4. WIRELESS SERVICE (match your requirements to lowest cost solutions)
*Gather your present service, features & bill; Analyze historical usage
*Rely on private (your own) or public WiFi (home wireless router is cheap; saveguard data on public wifi; for smartphone and tablets). Use wireless service data only for emergencies.
Stop or lower text message charges: use a chat app like Apple iMessage, WhatsApp, TextFree or TexPlus,...(see "most popular" Google apps)
Determine if wireless service coverage map covers the area you live and work (T-Mobile & AT&T do NOT cover my house)
*Drop "Postpaid" wireless carrier ; Go contract-free with your own phone, and prepaid service from an MVNO
(Mobile Virtual Network Operator).
MVNOs buy in bulk at wholesale prices from AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile or Verizon.
Customers of major carriers pay 3.4X as much as customers of MVNOs (2011 data)
TracFone (StraightTalk & Net10 are also part of TracFone) - (phones also sold by WalMart)
GSM MVNO (with SIM card)
CDMA MVNO (no SIM card)
VERIZON NETWORK: Page Plus; Verizon Prepay
SPRINT NETWORK: Boost; Cricket; EcoMobile; Kajeet; Republic; Ting; Total Call Mobile; Virgin Mobile