3. SMART PHONE (vs basic phone)
"Basic" Phone
Keep "Basic" phone (and no data) for lowest hassle
Add internet access by adding DSL (covered above) to your "basic" phone
Drop your "basic" phone. Subscribe to ONLY data from cable; add your own wireless or wired phone which "plugs into" the data
- magicJack $3/mo
- BasicTalk $10/mo (caller ID; Voicemail; call waiting; no contract)
- Vonage $20/mon (1 yr contract)
- possible issue: does FAX still work on VoIP?
Convert from "basic" phone to "basic" CELL phone for maximum flexibility at ~same monthly cost
"Smart Phone"
Buy your own new or 2nd hand SmartPhone:
Buy a newish or re-manufactured 4G smart phone (re-program/flash to be the older 3G)
Buy a 2nd hand unlocked smartphone: Motorola Droid 3; HT Incredible 2 ($72 remanufactured on eBay), etc.
Buy latest design knockoff, directly from China:
Cheapest cellphone/smart phone: single core; Android 4.2; 2G GSM; $49
Duo-Core Android 4.2; 5" screen; 2G GSM; $85
Most recent quad core Android 4.4.2; 5"screen; 2G GSM + 3G WCDMA $125 ; tinydeal specs
Buy inexpensive Android tablets ($50-$70 for 7 inch screen), as discussed in previous workshops
"Jitterbug Touch 2" smartphone provided by "Greatcall"